Our Garden Adventure Begins!

Well, we knew we wanted to start a garden, and with the success we had last season with some vertical gardening, I had the bug! The gardening bug that is. My wife was oddly helpful when it came to watering the towers.Not to mention our little guys loved “Pickin'” day, so why not expand?!?

A few blocks away, sits an empty lot between my parent’s and sister’s house just ripe for planting. Sort of. We had it all worked out. We were going to go big! a 12 x 80 foot swath that would let me experiment with all sorts of gardening techniques. We made a map in excel, planned everything out, and even did some research about crop yields to make sure we would have a nice solid garden. We were all ready to break ground, when it turns out a garage would soon be constructed on the site.

While we can still use that big chunk of land, we figured it would be best to maybe wait until spring until we go that big. In the meantime, we have our very own 4 x 53 foot path in our very own backyard. It’s not as big as we would have liked, but we’re looking forward to some unique gardening methods!

Backyard Garden map

Our Backyard Garden PlotThere are so many different gardening techniques and methods, and we want to try them out! Our little guys really like cucumbers, but last season we didn’t really account for how far they would sprawl out. This year we want to try a cucumber arch! Using what amounts to two very small raised bed gardens on either side of a PVC arch, we hope we can get some great growth from both sides of the arch. We would also like to try this method with peas and beans if successful.

Moving towards the west of our yard, we’ll also feature a few hay bale rows. Our plan is to plant some zucchini and squash along these rows. Next we’ll plant a handful of individual 5 gallon buckets filled with delicious tomatoes and a variety of peppers. Finally, we’ll replant our Mr. Stacky vertical planters with an assortment of things including lettuce and even some kohlrabi. If all goes well, we might even resurrect our old raised bed garden and maybe even try our hand at some gutter gardening!

What’s Next For Our Garden Adventure?

We welcome you on our journey as we come together as a family and work on some really cool gardening projects! Our goal is to show everyone that if we can do it, YOU can do it! Thanks for checking out OurFamilyThyme.com and hope you’ll keep coming back for more of our adventures!


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